frenchhope: migration* + open source* + linux*

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  1. "As the COVID-19 outbreak upends entire industries, organizations attempting to get leaner without sacrificing competitiveness will return to the tried-and-true playbook, cutting IT costs by finding the next place to migrate to open source. At the same time, the pandemic has caused changes in consumer, corporate, and public sector spending that are effectively boosting other sectors, demanding that they quickly step up or alter operations to meet demand. These organizations also rely on open source throughout their technology stacks. "

    "Often, these components are created by independent open source maintainers who have historically not been financially compensated to keep these components maintained to a commercial standard. So using them comes with more risk than using the earlier wave open source backed by big commercial open source companies."
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  2. Pas encore d'analyse coûts-avantages de la migration

    Mehl pointe du doigt le voisin de la Basse-Saxe, Schleswig-Holstein, comme exemple d'une stratégie IT plus "tournée vers l'avenir". Le Schleswig Holstein est gouverné depuis l'année dernière par une coalition de la CDU, des Verts et des Libéraux Démocrates libres (dont les couleurs correspondent à celles du drapeau jamaïcain), qui a décidé le mois dernier d'aller dans la direction opposée en abandonnant Windows au profit du libre.
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